Men around the prophet (PBUH)

25 February, 2023

Here at Itqan Academy, we give a course on Islamic studies and Sirah of the Prophet (PBUH).

A lot of companies around the Prophet Muhammed SAW.

from those people, Bilal Ibn Rabah let's take a look on the good Sirah of that great Man.


Here at Itqan Academy, we give a course on Islamic studies and Men around the Prophet (PBUH).

 A lot of companies such as:

Bilal ibn Rabaah was an Ethiopian slave.

He belonged to some people of the tribe of Banu Jumah. 

He was known for his hard work and loyalty to his master Umayyah ibn Khalaf, a leader of his tribe. He was one of the very early converts to Islam.

He was tortured mercilessly by his master until Abu Bakr bought him and freed him. 

When Allah's Messenger began preaching Islam, Bilal was so profoundly moved by the beautiful character of the Prophet and the remarkable teachings of Islam he was calling to that he decided to embrace this new religion. 

He was the first slave to become Muslim in the history of Islam. 

His master Umayyah was a cruel man who hated Islam and subjected Bilal to different kinds of torture to make him reject Islam


Bilal, however, remained steadfast in his belief in Allah, the One. 

Umayyah would order his men to take him naked to the desert at the hottest times of the scorching sand. 

He would also order them to put a heavy rock on his chest so he would reject his belief in Allah.

But Bilal would say, "Ahad, Ahad', which means Allah is One.

Sometimes, the disbelievers would also put a rope around his neck, and the street, boys would drag him through the alleyways and even across the hillocks of Makkah.

This made Abu Bakr buy him and give him his freedom. 

Bilal emigrated to Madinah where he immediately received a warm welcome from Sa'd bin Khaithamah.

He afterward lived in the house of Abu Bakr where, like other members of the household, was attacked by the fever, then raging in Madinah. 

It was Bilal who was the first companion to call ad he in Islam. 

The Prophet appointed him his mua'dh-dhin. 

Bilal became one of the closest companions to the Prophet and took part in all the campaigns of the Prophet.

Once in the Battle of Badr, he faced his former cruel master Umayyah ibn Khalaf and challenged him. 

They fought fiercely, and finally, Bilal killed Umayyah.

Abu Bakrو exclaimed, "0 Bilal, how sweet Allah's Justice is!" 

He remained with Abu Bakr until the latter's death.

Then he took part in the Syrian wars and died of the plague, sixty and odd years old, in Damascus in 18 A. H. 


Once Bilal told Abu Bakr, "If you have brought me for your own sake, keep me for yourself; but if you have brought me for the sake of Allah, then let me work in the Cause of Allah.

Bilal made this request after the Prophet's death.

He wished to go to war, but Abu Bakr implored him not to leave him, as he was old and needed Bilal's services.

So Bilal remained in Madinah until Abu Bakr died.

Afterward, he requested Omar to let him go.

And so many companions and stories here at Itqan Academy.


check this video of one of our brilliant students👇

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