The five pillars of Islam

24 February, 2022

The goal and guidelines of the Islamic Five Pillars.

1.Shahadah, the statement of faith.

2.Prayer, or Salah.

3. Sawm—fasting.

4. Zakat, the custom of almsgiving.

5. The pilgrimage of Hajj.

The goal and guidelines of the Islamic Five Pillars.

Muslims demonstrate their allegiance to Allah's will by upholding the Five Pillars. The Five Pillars serve as outward symbols of Muslims' adherence to Islam and their solidarity with fellow Muslims around the world.

1.Shahadah, the statement of faith.

 There is no other god except Allah and Muhammad PBUH is the messenger of Allah. This can be recited by Muslims as part of their five daily prayers.


2.Prayer, or Salah

Islam mandates five daily prayers. The prayers contain passages from the Qur'an where Allah is praised or guidance is desired.


3. Sawm—fasting.

Ramadan is the time when this fasting takes place, and daylight hours are involved. It is the season for prayer and good acts because it is when Muhammad got the revelation of the Qur'an.


4. Zakat, the custom of almsgiving.

Muslims are expected to give 2.5% of their discretionary income annually. Wealth is viewed as a blessing from Allah that ought to be distributed among all people. It aids others while also releasing people from their greed.

5. The pilgrimage of Hajj.

If their circumstances permit, every Muslim must make the pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) at least once in their lives (if they can afford it if they are healthy, etc). In this, going to the Kaaba, the place where Muslims believe that *Abraham showed a willingness to offer his son Ishmael as a sacrifice.

All of that and more InshAllah you will learn it with us through Itqan Academy.


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